《表達藝術治療::免費情緒支援服務3.0》Expressive Arts Therapy - Free Emotional Support Scheme 3.0
捷成集團全力支持 Sponsored by The Jebsen Group

(*For English Speaker, please check the flyer below ) 2022年,由關顧心靈健康開始! 有人說香港正經歷離散之年,有不少人都經歷家人、朋友離開香港,到地球的另一端生活;又或許正計劃著自己及家人離開香港開展新生活。有離開,還有解散,以前理所當然陪伴著我們的都消失瓦解了。道別成長的環境、道別安舒區、道別習慣在社會中的團體、道別親愛的人…每一個道別都需要好好安放。
對象:面對「離開、解散」的社會現況而承受情緒困擾的大眾人士*** (家人朋友離港、自身計劃離港、面對組織團體解散等)
地點:本中心 或 轉介機構會址
形式:個別表達藝術治療服務(一對一面見)或 小組表達藝術治療服務(自組4人小組)
治療師:本中心安排之表達藝術治療師 或 見習表達藝術治療師
歡迎個人報名或機構轉介,如有任何查詢,歡迎FB Inbox / 致電 / WhatsApp(67105947)與本中心職員聯絡。
Email: Info@hkexat.org
Website: www.hkexat.org
- 個別約見內容將絕對保密。
- 本中心在安排上保留最後決定權。

This Project is sponsored by The Jebsen Group.
Target: General public who experiences emotional distress from separation due to the current social situation (Individuals with financial hardship and unemployment issues priority)
Location: HKEXAT or Referral Organisation
Date: To be arranged individually
Duration: 1 hour per session (Max. 4 sessions)
Service: Individual Therapy Service/ Group Therapy Service (Self-formed 4-ppl group)
Fee: Free of Charge
Therapist: Expressive Arts Therapist of HKEXAT or Expressive Arts Trainee Therapist
Application and booking:https://forms.gle/iphrxnToCV68PepE8
- All content revealed in the therapy session will be kept confidential.
- HKEXAT reserves all rights and the final decision in this event.
- Applicants are required to fill in questionnaire for the purpose of HKEXAT conducting Expressive Arts Therapy relevant academic research in the first and the last therapy session.
*In the event of inconsistency or conflict between the English and Chinese versions, the Chinese version shall prevail for all purposes. HKEXAT reserves the final decision in this event.