《表達藝術治療::免費情緒支援服務2.0》Expressive Arts Therapy - Free Emotional Support Scheme 2.0

In the past year, Hong Kong people have been suffered from intense stress and emotional burden came along with the COVID-19 outbreak. Hong Kong Expressive Arts Therapy Service Center hopes to standby your side and provide supports with arts and creativity. The Free Emotional Support Scheme 2.0 will provide individual or group psychotherapy service for the public, who are experiencing emotional disturbances. We hope you can join us in raising the awareness of mental health in the community. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you or your friends and family are walking through a tough time in life.
《服務詳情》 對象:受肺炎疫情影響情緒的社會大眾人士(因疫情影響而面對經濟困難或失業人士優先) 地點:本中心 或 轉介機構會址 日期:個別約見日期時間 時間:每節60分鐘(共4節) 形式:個別表達藝術治療服務(一對一面見)或 小組表達藝術治療服務(自組4人小組) 費用:全免 治療師:本中心安排之表達藝術治療師 或 見習表達藝術治療師
如有任何查詢,歡迎FB Inbox 或 致電 或 WhatsApp 91312433與本中心職員聯絡。 電郵: Info@hkexat.org 網頁: www.hkexat.org
<Service details>
Target: General Public who are suffered from the emotional distress and anxiety by the outbreak of COVID-19 (Individuals with financial hardship and unemployment issues priority)
Location: HKEXAT or Referral Organization
Date: To be arranged individually
Duration: 1 hour per session (Max. 4 sessions)
Service: Individual Therapy Service/ Group Therapy Service (Self-formed 4-ppl group)
Fee: Free of Charge
Therapist: Expressive Arts Therapist of HKEXAT or Expressive Arts Therapist Trainee
For general enquiries or organisation referral/ application, please contact Ms Tang at 91312433 (Tel/WhatsApp).
For individual/ self-formed group application and reservation, please visit the following link:
Email: Info@hkexat.org
Website: www.hkexat.org
備註事項: - 個別約見內容將絕對保密。 - 本中心在安排上保留最後決定權。
*In the event of inconsistency or conflict between the English and Chinese versions, the Chinese version shall prevail for all purposes. HKEXAT reserves the final decision in this event.