《向死而生》劇場紀錄網上首映會 X 表達藝術治療導向劇場初探@《當下即藝術·身心健康同樂日》
“Sein zum Tode” (Being-Towards-Death) Online Premiere & Expressive Arts Therapy Oriented Theatre (ExArtOTheatre) Exploration
直播活動參加者 Live Stream Participants:(對象:公眾人士 General Public )
觀眾對象Target Audience:公眾人士 General Public
語音Language:粵語 Cantonese
治療師 Therapist:鄧智珊 Canna Tang (表達藝術治療師 Expressive Arts Therapist) 簡介Description :
*表達藝術導向劇場(ExArtOTheatre)為本中心表達藝術治療師鄧智珊所創的編作及表演形式,在創作及演出階段均以表達藝術治療的手法切入,導引創作意念的流動,讓舞台成為意念和情緒的安全載體,演出期間帶領觀眾同時覺察當下感受並進行創作(Aesthetic Response),構建雙向的演出與藝術表達平台,讓每個人的感受都能被看見。
We all are experiencing an unique, incomparable learning journey in the face of separation. In this journey, we could always use some companions.
Let us break the physical restriction, bring the theatre, arts and companions home. We shall explore life and death in the lead of art-making.
“Sein zum Tode” incorporates poetry, visual art, dance & movement, music and drama to share the performers’ thoughts and explorations in death. It allows us to lower rational thinking, simply feel and aware of how death leaves its mark on our life. “Sein zum Tode” was put on stage firstly in Sep 2021 and rerun in Dec 2021 in response to the public feedback. We are delighted to present the full record of “Sein zum Tode” Christmas show version to the audiences of Fun Day! There will also be interactive arts creations led by the show director, behind-the-scenes and dialogue with creators following the premiere. Don’t miss the one and only chance for this fruitful and exclusive sharing!
*Expressive Arts Therapy Oriented Theatre (ExArtOTheatre) is founded by Expressive Arts Therapist of HKEXAT - Ms. Canna Tang, it is a theatre-based approach to Expressive arts therapy, the theatre will become a safe container of thoughts and emotions, the flow of imagination and creation will be initiated in multi-modalities art experiences. Audiences will be guided to feel the moment and to create “Aesthetic Response” during the performance, a two-way arts and communication platform will be constructed. It’s a place where everyone can be seen.
報名 Registration: https://cutt.ly/LF2mV1j