Music to Heal Time: 周國賢與「當下的藝術」@《當下即藝術·身心健康同樂日》
Music to Heal Time: Endy Chow and His Present Arts

觀眾對象Target Audience:公眾人士 General Public
語音Language:粵語 Cantonese
嘉賓Guest:創作歌手 周國賢 Endy Chow
主持Host:網上節目主持 文橋康 Vic Man
治療師Therapist :李慧莊 Janet Li 及 蘇立怡 Zoe So (表達藝術治療師 Expressive Arts Therapist)
簡介Description:創作歌手周國賢(Endy) 將會親臨本中心分享他的「當下的藝術」!Endy 出道至今為自己及其他歌手都創作過很多出色的歌曲,當中有不少以成長及療癒為主題的 (如: "Children Song”、 “當下的力量”、“和好” 等等) 。 今次 "Music to Heal Time", Endy 將會為大家分享他的創作背後的成長及療癒故事!除了曲詞編唱外,原來Endy都有不少畫作?想即場與Endy互動? 又想聽他彈著結他唱歌? 約定大家 5月1日,一齊從音樂出發,踏上療癒的旅途! Hong Kong famous Singer-Songwriter Endy Chow is visiting HKEXAT center on May 1! Endy has created many popular Cantopop songs for himself and other singers, and many of them are about personal growth and healing. In the "Music to Heal Time", we are honored to invite Endy to share the healing stories behind his music. If you want to interact with Endy online! Listen to his beautiful singing with his guitar! Save the night of May 1, let’s enjoy our “music to heal” journey!