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主辦 Organizer| 香港表達藝術治療服務中心 ​HKEXAT      項目贊助 Sponsor| 捷成集團 Jebsen Group 


Expressive Arts Therapy Service and Mental Health Education Project  for Underprivileged Students


計劃期 Project Period/ 

12/2023 - 8/2024


計劃內容 Project Details/

由香港表達藝術治療服務中心主辦,捷成集團贊助的《表達藝術治療及情緒健康教育服務》基層學童支援計劃,現於 12/2023 至 8/2024 期間為基層家庭的學童提供以表達藝術治療為介入模式的心理治療及情緒健康教育服務。 

The “Expressive Arts Therapy Service and Mental Health Education Project for Underprivileged Students” is currently being organized by the Hong Kong Expressive Arts Therapy Services Centre and sponsored by the Jebsen Group. The project offers Expressive Arts Therapy and mental health education services to underprivileged students from December 2023 to August 2024. 



Expressive Arts and Emotional Education: By combining emotional education with expressive arts, students can learn about different emotions, develop a correct concept and attitude towards them, and experience how to express their emotions and thoughts through arts. 



Expressive Arts Therapy: Provide safe and non-judgemental space for students to use intermodal arts to explore and express their inner feelings, so as to minimize their emotional disturbances and the resulting impacts.


類型 Type: 

治療小組 或 工作坊 

Therapy Group or Workshop


主題 Topic:

  • 表達藝術及情緒教育 

Expressive Arts & Emotional Education

  • 表達藝術治療 

Expressive Arts Therapy


服務對象 Target Participants/
基層學童# Underprivileged Student #





# Eligible students:

Are in receipt of Comprehensive Social Security Assistance (CSSA) from the Social Welfare Department, or in receipt of “full level” of assistance or “half level” of assistance from the Student Financial Assistance Schemes for Primary and Secondary Students under the Working Family and Student Financial Assistance Agency.

HKEXAT_Primary Care_Student.jpg

九龍新蒲崗五芳街10號新寶中心10樓06-07室Rooms No. 6 & 7, 10/F, New Treasure Centre, 10 Ng Fong Street, San Po Kong

67105947 / 91702055

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