Rooms No. 6 & 7, 10/F, New Treasure Centre, 10 Ng Fong Street, San Po Kong
慈善機構 Charitable Institution (No: 91/ 16916)
演出藝術家 Artists:
戲劇藝術團隊 Drama Artists - Arts’ Options「長‧智‧戲」演出團隊 Inspirational Drama Programme for Elderly
舞蹈家 Dance Artist - Asahi Bruce
獨立樂隊 Indie Band -「小兵」Le Petit Soldat
特邀工作坊嘉賓Guest Artist:
藝術家及創作歌手 Artist, Singer & Songwriter -
Kendy Suen 孫曉賢
芳療師 Aromatherapist - Herman Ho Man Ma
Therapist for Live Performance Facilitation:
鄧智珊 Canna Tang (註冊表達藝術治療師 Registered Expressive Arts Therapist)
一日通行證票價One-Day Pass Price:
$300 (可通行一日七小時的演出及創作活動)
日期 Date:17-18/2/2024 (六及日)
時間 Time:2:00pm-9:00pm (17/2) 11:00am-6:00pm (18/2)
地點 Venue: The Annex @ 南豐紗廠 The Mills
對象 Target:12歲以上人士 (Age 12 or above)
語言 Language:粵語 Cantonese
《Groundedness・著地感》 身心靈健康冬日文化節
Body-Mind-Spirit Health Winter Festival 2024
Ending Ritual 終章
香港表達藝術治療服務中心 主辦 捷成集團 全力贊助
香港表達藝術治療服務中心的表達藝術治療師即將與多位不同媒介藝術家協作,攜手構作本年度文化節的多元藝術閉幕演出,把南豐紗廠的The Annex化身成互動創作空間,讓你我共同栽種、陪伴成長與見證收穫。
The Hong Kong Expressive Arts Therapy Service Center (HKEXAT) is going to collaborate with artists of different mediums to create the closing performance “End Ritual” of this year's Festival, transforming The Annex of Nan Fung The Mills into an interactive creative space where we can plant, grow and witness the harvest together.
The final performance is divided into two days, each with a one-day pass, which entitles the pass holder to participate in the seven-hour performance and creative activities each day. The first 20 registrants for each day's performance will be entitled to a limited number of art workshops led by special guests at a special price, and the workshops and the daily passes are available on a first-come-first-served basis with limited quota.
本年度的文化節閉幕演出邀請了不同的創作人及藝術家以文化節主題《Groundedness・著地感》創作獨特的多元藝術演出,藝術家們將分別以其音樂、舞蹈、文字、及戲劇的作品回應其對 Groundedness 的所思所想所期。
演出中會沿用表達藝術治療導向劇場中的觀演模式,演出前後,本中心治療師均會帶領現場參加者以自身藝術創作盛載從觀賞藝術而牽引的思考及情感,讓每位觀眾成為藝術創作者,以藝術作真誠的語言,回應自身對 Groundedness 的探索及發現。
Searching for inner peace and groundedness is one of the most important lessons in our life, especially living in the times of turbulence and confusion.
This year, let us search for the groundedness from within together with the invited Artists in the lead of Music, Dance, Writing and Drama. The principle of ExArtOTheatre will be adopted in the performance to create an interactive and expressive theater space, where audiences will be guided to feel the moment in arts and to create “Aesthetic Response” before and after the performance, a two-way arts and communication platform will be constructed. Every single audience will become one of the artists in the space and explore their own discovery about groundedness.
1. 「原」書法體驗及聲音視覺之旅 The “Origin” Journey of Sound and Calligraphy
On this journey, you will enjoy a feast for the eyes and ears, including a brush calligraphy experience and music sharing. In a world full of impermanence, we prepare a calm and ordinary space for you to feel the beauty and quiet joy of life. Our journey is more than just a simple trip, it is a journey of the heart, bringing you back to your roots and regaining inner balance and harmony.
帶領藝術家Lead Artist:Kendy Suen @kendysuen
日期Date:17/2/2024 (六)
對象Target:12歲以上人士 (Age 12 or above)
語言Language:粵語 Cantonese
全日票持有人換購優惠價 Day Pass Owner Redeem Special Price:$80
Kendy Suen 孫曉賢
藝術家及創作歌手 Artist, Singer & Songwriter
Kendy 正在探索她作為獨立創作人的音樂之旅,並發行了兩張概念音樂 EP。
Kendy也通過最近的音樂和書法作品來表達自己的想法。她從書法練習當中找到了自我療癒的方法,也從而不難發現她的EP作品中都帶有中國書法的元素,也因此獲得了日本音樂發行商的喜愛。她的個人EP《無名序The Prologue》、《無常論 The Book of Pi》和她的第一支日本單曲《Hakubi》均在香港和東京的主要黑膠唱片店有售。而她也不乏為不同音樂單位與品牌創作設計書法字型。
Kendy is exploring her musical journey as an independent solo artist, having released two self produced EPs.
Kendy has also been expressing her mind through her recent music and calligraphy works. Finding passion and healing from her practice in Chinese calligraphy.
It is not hard to find her EP works with hints of Chinese calligraphy elements, and have also gained the likes of Japanese music distributor. Both her first solo EP “The Prologue” and her first Japanese single "Hakubi" are available in both Hong Kong and major vinyl stores in Tokyo. Her second project, "The Book of Pi", can also be found in both territories. And she has also been involved in various chinese calligraphy and typography designs for local musician artists and brands.
2. 回甘百味 Embrace the Tastes of Life
Arts’ Options 將為文化節公眾呈獻五段由「長‧智‧戲」長者戲劇藝術啟導計劃中接受專業戲劇訓練的長者演員創作及出演的獨腳戲或雙人演出。每段故事及演出都滿載著演出者真摯的情緒感受和對各種生命經歷的回應。
Arts’ Options will present five Solo/Duo pieces of their elderly actors professionally trained from the Inspirational Drama Programme for Elderly. Each and every story is full of genuine emotions and life experiences of the performer.
笑Smile (許蕭美儀HUI SIU May Yee, Lucy)
女士優先Lady First (陳秀群 CHAN Sau Kwan)
夫妻,軌跡 The Trajectory of Marriage (曾耀文 TSANG Yiu Man、陳秋艷 CHAN Chau Yim )
半杯啡 Half cup of coffee(梁曼芬LEUNG Man Fun)
蜀道 The Way(叢蔣漢 CHUNG Chiang Hon)
日期Date:17-18/2/2024 (Sat & Sun)
時間Time:2:30-3:30pm (17/2) & 11:30am-12:30pm (18/2)
對象Target:12歲以上人士 (Age 12 or above)
語言Language:粵語 Cantonese
Arts' Option Limited自2011年由一群資深藝術工作者創立的非牟利慈善機構,一直致力於推動生命教育以及本土文化藝術發展,透過不同的藝術形式,向社會大眾傳遞誠摯與同理心等核心價值。多年來創作多個公開演出及巡迴演出,豐富了社區文化生活。
Arts' Options Limited, a non-profit charity organization founded in 2011 by a group of seasoned art professionals, has been dedicated to promoting life education and the development of local culture and arts. By employing various artistic forms, it conveys core values such as sincerity and empathy to the public. Over the years, the organization has created numerous public and touring performances, enriching the cultural life of the community.
3. 《Groundedness・著地感》特邀獨舞作品 Guest Solo Dance
「我們在忙來忙去, 到底在忙些什麼?這真的是我想要的嗎?不知從何時開始, 我已聽不見自己的聲音。追求別人告訴我有價值的事, 而不是就算被世界嘲笑, 但自己認為珍貴的東西……」
演出者名稱:Asahi Bruce
編舞及舞蹈家Asahi Bruce 將以文化節主題《Groundedness・著地感》創作一段獨舞作品,以身體回應及連繫心靈的探索。演出後,本中心治療師將帶領觀眾們以多元藝術創作回應作品,一同找尋自身最珍貴的東西,並以藝術創作與演出者作演後交流。
"What are we so busy with, what are we so busy with?Is this really what I want? I don't know when I stopped hearing my own voice. Pursuing what others tell me is valuable, not what I think is valuable even if the world laughs at me. ......"
Asahi Bruce
Choreographer and dance artist Asahi Bruce will create a solo dance piece based on the theme of the festival, "Groundedness", using the body to respond to and connect with the exploration of the mind. After the performance, HKEXAT's therapist will lead the audience to create aesthetic response to the dance with multi-art modalities, searching for what is most precious to them, and have a post-performance exchange with the performer in arts.
日期Date:17-18/2/2024 (Sat & Sun)
時間Time:4:30-5:30pm (17/2) & 2:30-3:30pm (18/2)
對象Target:12歲以上人士 (Age 12 or above)
語言Language:粵語 Cantonese
Asahi Bruce
演藝學院05年畢業, 曾任教於多個舞蹈中心包括: 城市當代舞蹈中心、Infinity Dance Studio 和 Studiodanz, 亦曾參與多個藝術及商業團體的演出項目, 包括: 香港藝術節、新視野藝術節、錢秀蓮舞蹈團、香港話劇團、香港海洋公園、劉德華演唱會等等。曾到德國、印度、馬來西亞等地作交流演出, 近年集中於靈性修煉和研究舞踏與當代舞形式共融的可能性。
4. 小兵樂隊音樂分享會 LIVE by Le Petit Soldat
原曲/國語歌詞寫於 1999 年,當時受澤東電影公司委託製作一位新人的專輯,專案沒有完成,曲子流放硬碟。
2022 年俄羅斯入侵烏克蘭,寫下粵語版。
演出者名稱:小兵 Le Petit Soldat
Follow the trail of sounds, colors and words into the world of Le Petit Soldat's music and catch every inch of truth in your heart.
日期Date:17-18/2/2024 (Sat & Sun)
時間Time:7:30-9:00pm (17/2) & 4:30-6:00pm (18/2)
對象Target:12歲以上人士 (Age 12 or above)
語言Language:粵語 Cantonese
小兵呢個名上一次公開比人叫,係 1997 年 6 月 30 號晚,一個位於中環前立法會旁邊舉行嘅
「另類音樂興回歸」音樂會,玩左三首歌New Year’s Day/蝶變/皇后大道東,當時 Edmund 夾緊 HUH!? 做演出/音樂製作、阿龜在海洋公園及高山劇場幫海豚同 Indie-bands 做 lighting design、輝虹在電台。小兵係一支香港業餘獨立樂隊,年間亦有參與范曉萱小姐/陳慧琳小姐/黎明先生/古巨基先生/郭富城先生/林海峰先生嘅唱片製作。
2002 年後 神推鬼㧬 各散西東
2020 年
一場疫 開始…
一座城 開始…
一隊band 再開始…
5.《The Art of Body Healing》50ml 身體護理工作坊 BODY CARE WORKSHOP
工作坊中將製作每人 50ML 的身體護理產品(身體潔膚露、秀髪清潔露、身體護理油及手部潔膚露)。
Explore the Art of Body Care Making to Purify Your Soul and Get Back to Your Root!
Learn the art of body care. Open the door to a new skill and create stunning body care that will fill your safe space with warmth and fragrance. Discover the secrets to creating balanced and long-lasting scents.
Gain insights into proper body care and safety tips.
50ML Body care (SHOWER GEL, SHAMPOO, BODY OIL, HAND WASH) for each will be included and created in the workshop.
導師Tutor:芳療師 Aromatherapist Herman Ho Man Ma
日期Date:18/2/2024 (日)
對象Target:12歲以上人士 (Age 12 or above)
語言Language:粵語 Cantonese
全日票持有人換購優惠價 Day Pass Owner Redeem Special Price:$80
Herman Ho Man Ma,專業認証芳療師 。香薰品牌 BLACK FADES 創辦人。 BLACK FADES 以手工方式小批量製作香薰蠟燭,為顧客提供高質量產品。品牌深信嗅覺能淨化心靈,採集世界各地最優質的香精及精油作原材料,配以悉心製作的容器,精心打造每件產品,希望創造令人難忘的香味記憶,照亮黑暗,解放靈魂。
Herman Ho Man Ma, Certified Professional Aromatherapist. Founder of BLACK FADES. BLACK FADES crafts handmade olfactory products to capture memories through scent. Made with raw ingredients and essential oils sourced from around the world, BLACK FADES hopes to bring mindfulness and unique scents to preserve every special moment in time.
九龍新蒲崗五芳街10 號新寶中心10樓06-07室Rooms No. 6 & 7, 10/F, New Treasure Centre, 10 Ng Fong Street, San Po Kong
67105947 / 91702055
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Copyright©2023 Hong Kong Expressive Arts Therapy Service Center. All rights reserved.