Rooms No. 6 & 7, 10/F, New Treasure Centre, 10 Ng Fong Street, San Po Kong
慈善機構 Charitable Institution (No: 91/ 16916)

Welcome to the journey of
"Self-Exploration in Expressive Arts"!

"Expressive-Arts-Serve-You Card"
背景 Background
香港表達藝術治療服務中心主辦 及 捷成集團全力贊助
由香港表達藝術治療服務中心的表達藝術治療師團隊 及 2021-2022「ExArteers 藝伴」義工隊共同創作
Program, organised by HKEXAT, Sponsored by the Jebsen Group
Co-created by our Expressive Arts Therapists and “ExArteers” Volunteer team 2021-2022, representing the Hong Kong Expressive Arts Therapy Service Center.
<關於「ExArteers 藝伴」義工隊 | About “ExArteers” Volunteer team >
目的 Aims
藉著EASY CARD 推動心理保健的概念 我們相信人人皆可創作,將多元藝術創作融入日常生活當中,提升身、心、靈健康。
To promote the concept of mental health care by the EASY CARD. We believe everyone can create and integrate diverse artistic creation into one’s daily life to improve the wellbeing of body-mind-spirit.
EASY Card 裡面有什麼? What's inside the EASY card?
包括60張圖卡,分了六個部份 Contains sixty cards which are divided into six parts:
開始卡 Opening Card
身體覺察卡 (部位) Body Part Card
身體覺察卡 (感覺) Body Sensation Card
情緒覺察卡 Emotion Card
表達藝術卡 Expressive Arts Activity Card
完結卡 Ending Card
探索者地圖(標準模式以及自主模式) Explorer Map (Standard Mode and Free Mode)
補充說明書 Supplementary Instruction
Expressive Arts Therapy Daily Application Attitude
非批判創作態度 Non-judgemental Art making Attitude
Arts have no right or wrong, it is the containment of personal thoughts and feelings. There’s no need for comparison nor place judgment on the artworks. You are the master of your work, no others can define your arts.
藝術無分美醜 Nothing Ugly in Arts
Let go of the standard of beauty people place on arts in daily life. There’s no such thing as ugly art, all genuine expression in art is the most beautiful and one of a kind artwork.
低技巧.高敏度 Low Skill.High Sensitivity
Let go of your needs and attention towards art technique, stay focused on self expression and body-mind awareness.
適可而止 ‧ 量力而為 Enough is as Good as a Feast
Safety is always our top priority. We all have limits, play the cards just right, stop before going too far or when you reach the limit. There’s no need to push yourself beyond what you are ready for.
欣賞與接納 Appreciation and Acceptance
Embrace your needs at the moment, learn to appreciate and accept your expressions, emotions and artwork just the way they are.
“EASY” Card will be distributed by
機構/ 學校可替有需要的學生/ 服務使用者領取(低收入人士優先),詳情可inbox本中心查詢
NGOs / Schools can contact us for receiving the “EASY” card for students / service users in needs (e.g. Low income family) , please inbox us for more details
General public could purchase in the popup charity sale in our public events, details will be announced in our social platforms
電郵 Email: info@hkexat.org
網頁website: www.hkexat.org
IG/ Facebook: @hkexat
版權聲明 © 2022 香港表達藝術治療服務中心有限公司 版權所有 不得翻印
Copyright © 2022 Hong Kong Expressive Arts Therapy Service Center Ltd. All rights reserved.
九龍新蒲崗五芳街10號新寶中心10樓06-07室Rooms No. 6 & 7, 10/F, New Treasure Centre, 10 Ng Fong Street, San Po Kong
67105947 / 91702055
©2022香港表達藝術治療服務中心版權所有, 保留一切權利。
Copyright©2022 Hong Kong Expressive Arts Therapy Service Center. All rights reserved.