Rooms No. 6 & 7, 10/F, New Treasure Centre, 10 Ng Fong Street, San Po Kong
慈善機構 Charitable Institution (No: 91/ 16916)
Grow Your Vision

In light of the growing emphasis on mental health, an increasing number of companies are exploring strategies to enhance employee well-being. The term “employee well-being” encompasses not only salary and benefits but also mental health care for employees and team morale. Many international corporations are actively promoting a culture and policies that are supportive of and attentive to their employees’ physical, mental and spiritual wellness.
In view of the above, the HKEXAT is committed to further promoting the benefits of expressive arts and mental health in the corporate realm. We believe the use of expressive arts to express and contain emotions is beneficial to employees and has a positive impact on the company itself. Regular mental health support for employees reflects the corporate governance system, culture and values and builds a positive brand image that is caring, socially responsive and forward-looking. Furthermore, a company’s attention to its employees’ mental wellness can help increase staff satisfaction and sense of belonging, and attract and retain talent.
計劃內容包括 Programme Content Includes:
1. 企業義工培訓 Corporate Volunteer Training
「表達藝術應用培訓工作坊」 Expressive Arts Application Training Workshop
This workshop will provide employees with the chance to gain hands-on experience in the expressive arts, build a connection with arts, and learn how to use arts to engage and communicate with individuals from diverse communities.
「表達藝術應用培訓工作坊」 - 附加版 Expressive Arts Application Training Workshop
This workshop will provide employees with the skills to utilise expressive arts and the Expressive-Arts-Serve-You Card in their personal lives and relationships with friends and family. It will also assist them in managing daily stress and emotional challenges. Through arts, they can express and contain emotions, fostering mutual support and personal growth.
2. 心理健康推廣服務 Mental Health Promotion Services
低收入家庭、獨居長者、患病兒童及其家人 、特殊需要人士、公眾人士
「以藝商伴」義工可以與社會不同階層人士接觸,協助藝術與身心靈健康推廣,增加公眾對情緒健康的關注。 本中心亦可為企業提供度身訂造的企業員工心理保健及情緒支援服務方案建議 (由具備專業資格及國際認可的註冊治療師團隊提供) ,推動辦公室身心靈關愛文化。
We invite companies to collaborate with HKEXAT, allowing employees to become “CorpoArteers” volunteers. These volunteers will participate in various community services organized by HKEXAT and expressive arts workshops for selected service groups throughout the year. Beneficiaries will include, but are not limited to, the following groups:
Low-income families, elderly living alone, children with illnesses and their families, people with special needs, the general public
“CorpoArteers” volunteers will have the chance to interact with people from various social backgrounds, helping to promote emotional health and the benefits of expressive arts therapy. HKEXAT also offer tailored corporate mental health and emotional support programmes, provided by a team of professionally qualified and internationally recognized therapists, to promote holistic office mental wellness.
如欲了解更多,歡迎與我們聯絡 For more information, please contact:
Ms. Carol Suen (孫小姐)
Tel/Whatsapp: (852) 5505 3598
Email: carolsuen@hkexat.org
Ms. Zoe So (蘇小姐)
Tel/Whatsapp: (852) 9775 8146
Email: zoe.so@hkexat.org
九龍新蒲崗五芳街10號新寶中心10樓06-07室Rooms No. 6 & 7, 10/F, New Treasure Centre, 10 Ng Fong Street, San Po Kong
67105947 / 91702055
©2024香港表達藝術治療服務中心版權所有, 保留一切權利。
Copyright©2024 Hong Kong Expressive Arts Therapy Service Center. All rights reserved.