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本機構之表達藝術治療師均完成香港大學表達藝術治療碩士課程,並為獲得澳洲、紐西蘭及亞洲創意藝術治療協會(ANZACATA) 註冊制度認可之註冊藝術(表達藝術)治療師。表達藝術治療師們致力為大眾提供合適的表達藝術治療服務,以提升大眾的身、心、靈健康為己任,並推動本地之表達藝術治療發展。

All of our therapists have completed the Master program of Expressive Arts Therapy at the University of Hong Kong, and have recognized as Registered Arts Therapist by the Australian, New Zealand and Asian Creative Arts Therapies Association (ANZACATA). We aim to provide professional and suitable psychotherapy services to the public, to facilitate public health in body- mind-spirit, and to promote Expressive Arts Therapy locally.



Ms. Canna Tang, C.S.

中心創辦人  HKEXAT Founder
營運總監 Chief Operating Officer


Registered Expressive Arts Therapist
Registered Arts Therapist



除臨床治療服務外,Canna亦為香港中文大學講師,並為國際表達藝術治療協會認可之註冊表達藝術治療督導(REAT Supervisor),提供表達藝術治療臨床督導服務。此外,Canna更熱衷於籌劃表達藝術應用在社區的精神健康推廣及教育活動,致力於社區推廣多元藝術及「人人皆可創作」的理念,推動以藝術及創意提升個人的身心靈健康及幸福感。  


Canna has over 8 years of clinical Expressive Arts Therapy service experiences, before working as an expressive arts therapist, she has been working in the field of performing arts as freelance actor, choreographer, playwright and director for years. Hence, Canna dedicated to adopt variety of art modalities especially performing arts to the mental health education and psychotherapy intervention. Canna provides expressive arts therapy services including both group therapy and individual therapy for a wide range of users, such as people with mood disorders, mental disorders, people with Trauma- and Stressor-Related Disorders, children with special education needs etc.

Canna is the creator of “Expressive Arts Therapy Oriented Theatre”, a unique performance method that incorporates devising, performance and therapy. It brings together the concept of multimodal transfers and the containment of theatre performance to create a platform for therapeutic, interactive arts appreciation and creation. 
Other than clinical services, Canna is also Lecturer of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, and a IEATA recognised REAT supervisor to provide clinical supervision. Canna devoted herself to serve the society with applying expressive arts on organising mental health awareness and education program in the community, to promote arts participation and the “Arts for All” vision in the community, and to enhance body-mind-spirit health and well-being of individuals through arts and creativity. 

專業認證 Professional Credential

註冊表達藝術治療師 (國際表達藝術治療協會)
Registered Expressive Arts Therapist,  REAT® (IEATA) 


註冊藝術(表達藝術)治療師 (澳紐亞)
Registered Arts Therapist, AThR (ANZACATA)



Registered Professional Member of International Expressive Arts Therapy Association (IEATA) 



Professional Registered Member of The Australian, New Zealand and Asian Creative Arts Therapies Association (ANZACATA)


Professional Member of Expressive Arts Therapy Association of Hong Kong (EATAHK) 


學歷 Academic Qualification

香港大學表達藝術治療碩士  (優異)
Master of Expressive Arts Therapy (HKU)  [Distinction]


香港中文大學社會科學(榮譽)學士 (主修心理學)
Hon BSSc (Psychology) (Chinese University of Hong Kong)


表達藝術治療服務 Expressive Arts Therapy Service


Case, Group, Workshop, Training and Supervision

臨床經驗 Clinical Experience 

*主要服務群組 Main Service Group : 


Adult, LGBTQ+ community, Ethnic Minority, Elderly, Children and Teenagers 


*主要範疇 Main Service Scope : 


Mental and Mood Disorders, i.e. Major Depressive Disorder, Anxiety Disorders, Trauma- and Stressor-Related Disorders, Special Educational Needs, and General Emotional Disturbance, Coping with Grief and Loss, Parent-Child Relationship, Couple Therapy, Self-Care, Stress Relief and Personal Growth, etc.

九龍新蒲崗五芳街10號新寶中心10樓06-07室Rooms No. 6 & 7, 10/F, New Treasure Centre, 10 Ng Fong Street, San Po Kong

67105947 / 91702055

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